Why Your Cell Phone Sounds Female

Kim Chankyung junior
1 min readMar 30, 2021

Siri is an Artificial Intelligent Voice Service that has a warm female-tone voice. However, when we ask Siri if she is a woman, she will reply that she doesn’t have any gender, but not only Siri, other AIVS from other IT companies also use female-tone voices for their products. That should sound weird because if we follow gender diversity in our lives, a biased voice tone on one side should be avoided. However, there is a reason in social science why they used the female-toned voice for their devices. The reason was simple; the female-tone is more affinity for human when they are listening to advise. In contrast, the Male-tone voices sound more authoritative and menacing compare to the female-tone voice. However, not every female-toned voice can be the AIVS, voice needs to match with the companies’ purposes. In short, the AIVS has a possibility that can be used a lot in the future and they are using the female-toned voice because of its characteristics of warmth and informative.

