Reading Log of The Silver Chair 9
April 21, 2021
Reading Log
Book: The Silver Chair
Writer: C.S Lewis
Chapter 9 How They Discovered Something Worth Knowing
1. What did Jill do as soon as the hunting party set off? Why did no one suspect her of any secret design?
As soon as the Kings and Queens set off for the hunting, Jill started to explore the castle asking questions to Giants. The Giants adored Jill’s exaggerated behaviours and because of her, the three people could go everywhere without getting suspicions.
2. What happened at lunchtime? How did the discovery affect the three of them?
At lunchtime, they had venison nearby the fireplace. There were some old giants sitting 20 meters far from them and their loud voice was loud enough to hear everything. And they heard the dear they are eating for lunch was talking stag. When they discovered the truth, they were so shocked especially the Eustace and Puddleglum felt like they were eating human meat.
3. What recipes did Jill read in the giants’ cookery book? What recipe did Puddleglum read?
Jill first read a recipe of Mallard and then she saw a recipe of man. Puddleglum also found his name on the page since the Marsh-Wiggle was the next recipe according to the Alphabetic order.
4. Where were they when they came out into the pale sunlight of a winter afternoon? What did they realize?
When they came out from the castle, they were on the right-hand side of the castle. They could see the ruined city and they were on the top of the little steep hill. And a few minutes later, they were on the middle road of the castle’s entrance.
5. What were Jill and Eustace wearing? What did Jill feel like when she was running?
Since the two children were the main dish for the giants’ fall celebration, they were wearing very fancy clothes except for Puddleglum. Jill was wearing a vivid green robe, rather too long for her, and over that, a scarlet mantle fringed with white fur. Eustace was wearing scarlet stockings, a blue tunic and cloak, a gold-hilted sword, and a feathered bonnet. When the hunting dogs were chasing the travellers, Jill couldn’t run fast. Since her robe was too long, it entangled her legs when she runs. Also, her hair kept going into her mouth and her heart was aching, because of the hard breath.
6. What happened after they got into the crevice?
After they got into the crevice, the hounds running right after Jill, started to sniff to find them. They closed the entrance with the rocks.
This chapter shares a very interesting discussion idea about eating a talking dear. Before I read this book, I couldn’t understand the feelings of eating talking animals. I just feel sorry for them a little bit like Jill felt about that situation. However, now I kind of understand the feelings of Eustace of Puddleglum through thinking about my friend Luke. Luke have a dog and I realized what they have felt was like Luke eating his dog and it must feel extremely terrible. Then, I come up with a few ideas about this topic, which is “What would the talking mice think about when they see the talking owls eating not talking mice?”, “Will they feel terrible or feel nothing?”, and “Is it same with giants eating people or different from that?”