Reading Log of The Silver Chair 8

Kim Chankyung junior
2 min readApr 15, 2021


April 16, 2021

Reading Log

Book: The Silver Chair

Writer: C.S Lewis

Chapter 8 The House of Harfang

1. Why did Jill like the king better than the queen at first? What made her change her mind?

The King had better look than the Queen. The queen was dreadfully fat and had a double chin, which made Jill uncomfortable. However, when she started to cry in the thrown room, the Queen order servants to provide foods, wine, dolls, and a hot bath, which made Jill and others so much better.

2. What did the queen say? What was Jill’s reaction?

The Queen said “Quick, some of you! Take them away and give them food and wine and baths. Give her lollipops, give her dolls, give her physics, give her all you can think of — possets and comfits and caraways and lullabies and toys. Don’t cry, little girl, or you won’t be good for anything when the feast comes.” She liked it until the food, wine, and bath, but she was angry about the dolls and treating her like a baby.

3. What did Jill dream? What did she see out of the window?

Jill had a dream that a toy horse comes closer to her and tuned into a horse-sized lion (Aslan), and brought her to the window and there was a message written on the outside ground, saying Under Me.

4. Why did Jill say, “Oh, how perfectly dreadful!” when they looked out the window?

Jill said, “Oh, how perfectly dreadful!” because she found out that what they had imagined as the flat field, was the ruined city of Giants. They looked out the window was very next day morning when Eustace and Puddleglume came by the songs.

5. What was the sunk lane?

The sunken lanes were the letters that are written: “Under Me.” They were tumbling and slides down because of the letters’ shapes.

6. What was a giants’ hunt like?

Since they didn’t have horses for their body size, they walk for hunting. However, the Queen was on the chair and other servants were lifting the Queen and chairs. There were also normal sizes of dogs, which can smell well.

7. What disappointed Jill at first? What chased away her disappointment?

Jill was disappointed for not existing giant size of horses because the Queen looks too fat to follow those hunting dogs. And if the Queen doesn’t leave, their plan that they made will be ruin. However, when the Queen seated on the moving chair, her disappointment chased away.


It was very interesting that Aslan appeared in Jill’s dream and didn’t say a word but showed the direction where they need to ahead. It makes me think why people look back when they were fine and comfortable, and why they don’t care about the signs and other jobs when they really need to focus on. It looks like watching ourselves in the exam period. We don’t study when we really need to do it until we were enjoying our hobbies.



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