Reading Log of The Silver Chair 5
Chankyung Kim
March 25, 2021
Reading Log
Book: The Silver Chair
Writer: C.S Lewis
Chapter 5 Peddleglum
1. What kind of person did Puddleglum seem to be from his speech and what the children could see of him?
He is a very serious Marsh-wiggle who always concerns or pessimistic about everything he can think of. Such as weather, temperature, and wars. Also, as soon as the children saw him, they immediately knew that he was a very serious person, by the way, he looks like.
2. What did the children find outside the wigwam in the morning?
They found out they were in the great flat plain with countless numbers of islands and channels filled with water. Which made children feel different from where they had come from. The island was full of grass and birds like duck, snipe, herons, and bitterns. And, in the middle of some islands, a wigwam was there on each island. Also, the breeze from the eastern side was salty which that they could predict the sea was pretty near.
3. Why had the marsh-wiggle been hard to see at first? What did he look like?
Since his colour was very similar to the swamp, where he was sitting on, it was hard to see him at first. He had sunken cheeks, long and skinny face and arms and legs. His skin colour was like dirt and his hair colour was bluish-grey. Also, his toes were webbed like frogs and ducks.
4. Why did Puddleglum say he might as well go with the children?
Since he was asked by owls and because of his own worries about Narnia and the children, he decided to go with the kids.
5. What had the other Marsh-wiggles said to Puddleglum?
The other wiggles said to him that he is too flighty and doesn’t take life seriously enough. And they also said that “you need to learn that life is not all about frog foods and eel pie.
6. What were their travelling arrangements?
They will be heading to north, Ettinsmoor where the next of the Shribble river.
By so far, I do not understand Jill’s thoughts. What she only did so far was complaining about the bed, for a cosy place, for washing, for talking next to her while she was feeling sleepy, and toward Eustace for being dirty. However, now she is saying bad words to Eustace and feeling good for being better than him. Now, I am sure that she forgot to apologize to Eustace and the signs that Aslan told her to remember it. Based on what I have read so far; I personally feel annoyance towards Jill and her behaviours. She is irresponsible and rude and I hope she will learn many things during this journey.