Reading Log of The Silver Chair 3
Chankyung Kim
February 25, 2021
Reading Log
Book: The Silver Chair
Writer: C.S Lewis
Chapter 3 The Sailing of the King
1. What did the old man look like? What did the dwarf look like?
The old man looks like a rich royal person, but he looks very old and weak. He was wearing a rich mantle of scarlet with a silver mail-shirt. There was a thin gold crown on his head. There was, also, a dwarf who dressed as rich as the old man sitting on a wheelchair. The dwarf was short and fat and he looks old as the king, but he looks healthier than his age.
2. What did the courtiers look like? What were they?
The courtiers were wearing armours with other rich cloths. However, only one of them was human and the other courtiers were fauns, satyrs, centaurs, dwarf, and animals. They look totally different from the Earth.
3. Why couldn’t Jill understand the King’s speech?
Since the King’s was too old and cracked, Jill couldn’t understand his speech clearly. Also, the speech was about the people and place Jill had never heard about it before. Thus, she couldn’t understand the King’s speech.
4. Who was the King? Why did Eustace react to the information the way he did?
The King was Caspian the Tenth, who was Eustace’s friend at the voyage of the Dawn Treader. The reason why Eustace was so surprised and depressed was that last time when they met each other, Caspian was just a few years older than Eustace. Eustace is quite disappointed for Caspian’s lost golden age.
5. Why did Eustace wish he’d never come?
Because Eustace found out that King Caspian got old and not as Eustace imagined. The strong and brave young king was no longer there. Founding out Caspian’s fall made Eustace feel grief and anxiety. Thus, Eustace wished he’d never come.
6. What was supper in the great hall like?
The supper in the great hall was the most splendid thing both had ever seen. The hall was full of joy and the food of the feast was wonderful. There were almost all of the wine and juice were prepared, and the music after the plates made the feast charming. After the supper, a blind poet told a story called The Horse and His Boy.
7. What happened when all the serious eating and drinking was over?
After the supper, a blind poet came out to the stage and told a story called The Horse and His Boy, which a story of prince Core and Aravis and the horse Bree, when the Narnia was in the Golden Age with the high king Peter.
First of all, it was very interesting that the change descriptions of an old man to a king. I didn’t know this change of subject’s title can happen so smoothly. In this book, also, the descriptions of backgrounds with objects and directions are wonderfully visually described, which helps the reader to easily follow the story and imagine in their minds. In the storyline, however, we can still see Jill has not apologized to Eustace for almost killing him. Also, she didn’t tell the signs, Eustace, at first and eventually forgot about the signs. Therefore, I still don’t understand her actions so far, but I could find a lesson from this chapter, which is whenever you did something wrong, try to apologize as fast as you can.