Reading Log of Siver Chair 11

Kim Chankyung junior
3 min readMay 5, 2021


May 6, 2021

Reading Log

Book: The Silver Chair

Writer: C.S Lewis

Chapter 11 In the Dark Castle

1. From what did the knight say the Queen had saved him? What kind of spell did he say he was still under? How did the Queen mean to rescue him from the enchantment?

The knight said he has cursed in bad magic that makes him makes him get wild every night with a furious seizure and lastly turn him into a serpent. According to the knight, the Queen has brought him and cares for him to control the magic power. Lastly, the Queen said the cures will be free from the enchantment when he became a king of a land in the Overworld and set its crown upon my head.

2. Why did the knight say he would be content to live by the Queen’s word?

Because the knight was tolled that the Queen has saved him from dangers thousand times, and he thinks Queen’s grace is bigger than mother. Therefore, he thinks the Queens is worthy of a man’s whole worship.

3. What did Puddleglum and the children think of the knight and the Queen?

Puddleglum and children thought that the knight was a fool, sap, and pig. Basically, they thought the knight is a total an idiot who can’t take care of himself.

4. What did they see when they returned to the room in which they had supper? What warning did the knight give them?

When they returned to the room where they had supper, they found the knight, strongly tied on to a silver chair. He warned Puddleglum and children that when his seizure starts, he will beg and implore them, with entreaties and threatenings, to loosen my bonds. He added, “never listen to him. Harden your hearts and stop your ears.” If he is free from the silver chair, he will turn into a serpent.

5. What did the knight start to do and say?

The knight started to beg to free him and mentioning about the overworld items and places.

6. What did the knight say that made the travelers cry out? Why did they hesitate?

The knight said “I adjure you to set me free. By all fears and all loves, by the bright skies of Overland, by the great Lion, by Aslan himself, I charge you — ,” which was the sign that Aslan had given to them. However, they doubt, because they thought that might be a trap from the Queen.

7. What did the knight do as soon as he was free? What did he say afterwards? Who was


As soon as he was free, he ran to the table and grabbed his sword, and split the silver chair into pieces. And then, he introduced himself as Prince Rilian.


In the book, there is a word that Prince Rilian saying that he was a toy and a lapdog of the most devilish sorceress, and I totally agree with his reflections. His life was the same as a pet dog based on the contexts from the book. Firstly, he ate foods that his owner prepared and got cared from his owner. Secondly, he trusts his owner (the Queen) with his all strength. Thirdly, he lost his intelligence, and because of that, he never gets serious like a happy dog. Lastly, the Queen takes him for a walk sometimes and with a leash called heavy-armed like a kind doggy that never barks because of its owner’s command.



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