Reading Log of Siver Chair 10
April 29, 2021
Reading Log
Book: The Silver Chair
Writer: C.S Lewis
Chapter 10 Travels without the Sun
1. What did Jill see when the lantern was lit? What did the crowd look like?
When the lantern was lit, Jill saw that there were around a hundred Earthmen were staring at Jill and her friends. Every earthman had different figures and some of them were tall and some were noticeably short. Some had tails and some had horns on their foreheads. But one common figure of them was that they all looked extremely sad.
2. What did Puddleglum think of the crowd?
Puddleglum thought that he could learn how to have a serious view of life through Earthmen.
3. Why was it worse for Jill than the others? When did she feel she could bear it no longer?
Jill hated the dark, underground place and the tunnel gradually got smaller and smaller. When the tunnel becomes ridiculously small, she could bear it no more.
4. What was the huge cave like?
The cave was so huge and full of space. It was the hardly imaginable size for a cave. Some tree-like plants with jello types of leaves were planted rarely on the ground. Also, a strange pale light was filling the space, but the light wasn’t bright enough to see the ceiling of the cave.
5. What were the dragonish and bat-like creatures?
According to the leader of the Earthmen, the winged creatures were fallen from the ground and sleeping until the world’s end.
6. What did the enormous man look like? Who was he?
Not like other giants at the Harphang, the enormous man looked dignify and even looked beautiful. His white hair was grown until his waist. And, also according to the leader of the Earthmen, he was a great King of the ancient kingdom of giants.
7. What was the city like?
The city looked very weird because even the city looked like a great port city, the buildings were too apart from each other and even the city was full of busy earthmen, it was too quiet.
8. What did the young man look like?
The young man was a handsome and good-looking blond man, who looks kind but brave. But the young man seemed a little bit awkward in his face.
9. What did the script originally say in ancient times? Why had it been cut?
The script was originally a verse written “Though under Earth and throneless now I be, Yet, while I lived, all Earth was under me.” It was written by a great king of ancient giants for his tomb. However, because it was too much damaged by the constructions, only the two words remained.
10. What did the knight say about himself and the queen?
Knight said that he has a strange and weird sickness, and the queen is the only one who can handle his sickness. He also mentioned that the queen is a woman of all virtue and she promised to marry the knight after making him a king of a great kingdom on the ground.
This chapter was very calming and griming compared to the previous chapters. In the scene where earthmen revealed themselves, only pity atmosphere filled that place than the threatening feelings. Later, as the scenes move on, the mysterious sleeping creatures (dragonish and an old giant) were enough calming for me. Finally, in the part where the earthmen took the three companions on a boat, I got totally assimilate with the characters and almost fall asleep. The port was more mistic in a different sense of magic, which reminded me of a movie called ‘Journey,’ that finding and visiting an underground world. Lastly, it was very interesting when the knight, who was overly optimistic, started to greet and welcome the companions, which contrasted compare with the out of his castle. He looked like doing something and enjoying something bad or wrong without noticing it, and all others seemed to know it, but not telling it to him.