Reading Log of Silver Chair 16

Kim Chankyung junior
2 min readJun 7, 2021


June 8, 2021

Reading Log

Book: The Silver Chair

Writer: C.S Lewis

Chapter 16 The Healing of Harms

1. Why was everyone becoming uneasy? What happened?

Because everyone thought that the King will walk out from the boat, but the King came out from laying down on the carrying. And right after he bless the prince, he died.

2. What did Aslan tell Eustace to do? What happened afterwards?

Aslan told Eustace to bring the finest thorn he could see and Aslan ordered Eustace to poke his palm with that thorn needle. He dropped his blood to the Caspian’s dead body and the dead body started to become younger and revived.

3. What happened when Aslan roared? What did Jill, Eustace, and Caspian do? What was the result?

When he roared, the fences of the experiment house crashed down. Jill, Eustace, and Caspian saw the bullies were coming and started to beat them up. In two minutes, the bullies started to scream “Murder! Fascists! Lions! It isn’t fair.”


The last chapter of this book gave me two big unsatisfying parts. Firstly, chapter 16 was very long. I think it is one of the longest chapters among 16 chapters. However, it happened in only one day in the book time. The book introduced to nature and many other good things of Narnia and they had a magnificent trip riding on the Centaurus’ back. They were even on a boat and went into the crowds. But all these events happened in one day and they already have to go back to their real world. Which can let the reader feel the story ended too fast. Also, it leads to my second point, which is this story had too much disposable story for the characters and the stories. That’s because compared to the main adventure part, the ending part is too short and fast. And the people who rescued the Prince couldn’t even get the reward. Since it was too rapidly ended, it was enough for the reader to feel the Kids and Puddleglum were used by the Aslan for just saving a Prince that Kids have never met before. Even though the ending was too vague and fast, the story itself was wonderful and interesting for me to feel like going to Narnia casually.



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