How to Bake a Mocha Cake

Kim Chankyung junior
4 min readDec 2, 2019


Hello there, how are you today? I had a vacation for a week and it was great. However, after finishing my vacation, going back to the normal day is hard. Therefore, today’s class is baking a Mocha Cake. Mocha means coffee that will help me to survive in my life.

This Cake will be the last applied version of sponge cake. Since we had practiced adding powders, now we are going to make a change to the liquid.

So first, I will introduce the ingredients. Four eggs which is separated into yolk and white, sugar 120g, milk 50g, mocha 1tea spoon, baking powder half of the teaspoon, weak flour 130g, and oil 40g.

This time we are going to prepare the little things first.

We are going to worm the mill in the microwave and melt the mocha into the milk.

And also mixed the baking powder with the weak flour before we put the ingredients into the dough.

So the rest of the process are same as before class, which are the applied version of sponge cake.

We make the meringue with adding sugar. As I always says, making a meringue is the most important part of the cake. The one of the reason why people fail baking is not making meringue to be hard enough or the meringue containing water.

Thus, after making a good meringue, keep stir the meringue and put the rest of the ingredients by order of egg yolks and oil.

Adding egg yolks into the meringue.
Adding oil on the meringue

After the two ingredients are well mixed, you may stop stirring the meringue because we are going to do the one of the hardest part of making a dough, which is mixing with the flour.

Also, you may use a net to clear the flour, but actually it doesn’t required to use.

Stir the dough, but don’t stir the dough with using the large size of the paddle. Moreover, if you stir it too much by using the side of the paddle, your cake will not be a bread, but a rice cake.

Now, if you think the dough is too much stiff to stir, you may used the Mocha milk.

Adding Mocha Milk to the dough

Be ready the cooker bowl and put some butter on the side of the bowl. Pour the dough into the bowl and stamp the bowl on the floor for two or three times.

Put the bowl in the rice cooker and cook it in the all-around steam mode for 45minutes.

After it is finished, pick it out on the plate and wait until it gets cooler. It would help you to cut the cake well.

Well.. it is done for today. Thank you for watching and see in the next class.



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